Rules of Golf: When to Clean your Golf Ball during the round.
As a golfer, it's important to adhere to the rules and etiquette of the game. One aspect that is often overlooked is the proper cleaning of your golf ball during a round. Knowing when and how to clean your golf ball can have a significant impact on your game. Here are some guidelines to follow:
When is it permissible to clean your golf ball?
According to the Rules of Golf, you are allowed to clean your golf ball at any time when you are on the putting green. This means that you can mark your ball, lift it, clean it, and then replace it in its original position without penalty. However, once you have lifted and replaced your ball, you must be careful not to improve the conditions affecting your next stroke.
Can you clean your golf ball elsewhere on the course?
Off the putting green, the rules are a bit more restrictive. You are only allowed to clean your golf ball when you are lifting it to identify it. This means that if you are unsure whether a ball is yours, you can lift it to check for identification marks, clean it, and then replace it. However, you cannot clean your ball for any other reason while on the fairway, in the rough, or in a hazard.
What is the proper way to clean your golf ball?